PwC's Managing upstream risk: Regulatory reform review - An asian perspective December 2013 | Page 7

Members considered current practices of internationally active banks in measuring risks at a consolidated level and their implication for the host countries. Members also reviewed the assessment of shadow banking entities and activities in the region based on the monitoring exercise conducted by the members. Discussions on regulatory reforms focused on: • the FSB’s policy framework and progress in addressing “Too-Big-To-Fail”; • high-level policy recommendations on strengthening oversight and regulation of shadow banking; and • recent developments on cross-border cooperative issues regarding the implementation of OTC derivatives markets reforms. Brazil shared its experience in registering OTC derivatives contracts and other financial assets to trade repositories. The IIF’s Market Monitoring Group on 5 December 2013 after a meeting in New York published a statement warning that some regulatory changes aimed at stability may be (and in some cases already are) impacting the efficiency of capital markets in ways that could work against the broader policy goal of supporting stronger economic growth—and could potentially contribute to new systemic risks. The following (in brief) are areas of particular concern that have been identified: • OTC derivative reforms will provide more transparency and stability but may have negative consequences for end users and the system more broadly. • Requirement of more collateral constrains financi