Putting the Pieces Together: Educators on New Assessments | Page 2

Measures of Student Learning Used in Teacher Evaluations Use of Data The analyses also suggest that educators use student data in meaningful After the first year of implementing measures of ways to inform their practice: Over 90 percent of teachers use student data to student learning (MSLs) in teacher evaluations, inform instruction and provide differentiated support to students (see Table 1). slightly more teachers (43 percent) think the Similarly, more than 95 percent of principals use student data to inform school measures individually attributed to them provide an accurate representation of what goals and policies and to identify professional supports for teachers. their students know and can do than those Table 1. Teacher Use of Data that are collectively attributed (39 percent), as Survey item Teachers shown in Figure 2.2 Slightly fewer teachers (37 who agree I use student data… percent) agree that the assessments factored into teacher evaluations have undergone a …to inform my instruction. 9 B