Punk and Lizard Issue Two | Page 23


enemies, added some new features, re-balanced some levels and made lots of other fixes just so the people playing would have a better game. The response from the community was really positive and the game has gotten way more favourable responses and reviews since we released the update, which is awesome!

How difficult was it integrating Oink?

It wasn’t particular hard actually. Since we had most movement and behavior systems in place already, getting Oink in the game took only a couple of days. What took time though, was balancing all the levels. Since the player now had a sword-shooting unicorn pig by their side we had to go back and change a lot of the enemies and number of enemy waves so the game didn‘t become too hard or too easy.

Zombie Vikings: Ragnarök Editiön is available soon. This physical boxed version comes with exclusive gaming content. Can you tell us what goodies we can expect to find?

Not only will it be delivered in a sweet physical box, it’ll have two additional characters in the form of Raybjörn from Stick it to The Man and Frostbjörn, which is just this weird Viking that speaks some weird language we don’t understand. Besides this, you can also find an exclusive gallery of concept art from Zombie Vikings.

And finally, what’s next for Gunborg, Seagurd, Hedgy and Caw-kaa? Have you any plans to expand the Zombie Vikings universe?

Since we spent so much time actually building the whole Zombie Vikings universe and crafting the characters we would love to do something more, but we haven’t decided on anything yet. We are throwing around some crazy ideas at the office though, so who knows? At the moment though, we’re mostly focusing on a few new game ideas, which we’ll talk more about later this year.