Punk and Lizard Issue Two | Page 12

1: If you’ve ever wanted to visit the jungle but you’re scared stiff by the giant months, tarantulas and other creature with more legs than they’ve any right to have, you can now do it from the comfort of your controller. Expect much climbing and swinging from trees. Your armpits will be significantly less damp than if you were in a real rainforest.

2: You’re sick and tired of watching cut scenes of ‘Young’ Lara Croft mistiming a jump and landing on her bottom, even if it’s a nice bottom. Nathan Drake also has a nice bottom, but he’s marginally better at keeping it off the ground.

3. You’ve watched Indiana Jones and The Mummy countless times and, scarabs and snakes be damned, you’re just bursting to run around in the sand collecting knick-knacks.

4. You’re just starting to get bored of PONG.

5. If you’ve ever wanted to shoot innocent people in the face and then have a good laugh about it later, Nathan Drake is your man. With his crooked smile, plethora of one-liners and his playful demeanour, there’s not much that gets this man down. Casual murder has never been so much fun.


If someone gave us a pound for every one of you who have ever played any of the Uncharted games, we’d have enough to buy our own bucking bronco machine and a lifetime supply of Rolos. But there’s got to be one or two of you who haven’t even sniffed at an Uncharted game. Perhaps you’ve just transferred over from Xbox. Perhaps the PS4 is your first console. Or perhaps you’ve been under your duvet for the last ten years reading Robin Hobb novels by flashlight. Whatever the reason, you’re missing out, and we’d like to tell you why.