Punk and Lizard Issue One | Page 59

As with any twin stick shooter you use the dual sticks to control movement and the camera. The trigger buttons are for the fire extinguisher and hose. R1 throws a water bomb if you have any at your disposal and the map is displayed by pressing L1. If I’m been honest I did find myself bringing up the map a few times when I was meaning to use the fire extinguisher. There are onscreen prompts for the other buttons.

What you will notice straightaway if you’ve played the PS Vita version is the improved graphics this time around – they are amazing! Sometimes when you play a PS4/Vita game on PS4 is doesn’t look quite as polished as the Vita version, but Laughing Jackal have made sure that Flame Over really excels on the big screen. Everything has been reworked for the PS4. The game runs at 1080p 60fps and you can see the difference. It is also worth noting that the loading times have gone.

The trophy list is identical to the PS Vita list with trophies for completing certain missions, rescuing people and cats, There are a few hard trophies in the list to make you work for your platinum such as Fast Worker (completing the game in under an hour) and Fireproof (complete the game, saving all people without any of them being downed by fire).


Punk reviewed the PS Vita version and said in his conclusion that Flame Over “is a tough but hugely rewarding experience that amounts to one of the best Vita releases around.” and guess what? By ramping up the visuals and extinguishing the loading times, Laughing Jackal have only gone and done it again – Flame Over is a tough but hugely rewarding experience that amounts to one of the best PS4 releases around.