Pulse May 2020 | Page 69

set reset” to yield exceptional results. Here are five ways you can get started today: Step 1: Fire Yourself Now is the perfect time to fire your old thoughts and be- haviors around leadership, creating room for new ideas and possibilities to enter. Imagine this: what if your skepti- work? If you had to choose two words that represented your leadership “feels,” what would they be? Pull from the strengths that you use daily and reflect on the things that come naturally to you. How can you show up as the beacon of possibility that will light the way for your team? Here are a few two-word combinations to get you cism around change was simply unexpressed hope? What if the biggest obstacle to the success of your team was your mindset? As leaders, we are primed to look for mistakes, focus on the areas we think need to be fixed and seek out the weakest link. The challenge is that this type of fixed mind- set creates a leadership model built on doubts, fear and going: Kind and calm, steady and creative, inclusive and generous, purposeful and present, patient and proactive, energetic and peaceful, consistent and clear. These are two-word combinations to strive for as a leader; think criti- cally about how to make your team view your leadership in that way. failure, instead of one built on strengths, possibility and growth. Human beings are conditioned to magnify the neg- ative and minimize the positive. It has been said that neg- ativity sticks to us like Velcro and positivity slides off us like Teflon. By “firing” yourself and your old thoughts, I am inviting you to flip that switch and make positivity stick for good. Step 3: Change Your Leadership Shape Step 2: Live Your Words Long after your team has forgotten what you said, they will remember how you made them feel. Research by Gallup, Inc. reveals that 89 percent of em- ployers think that people leave because of money. While that is true for some people, 75 percent of employees ac- tually say they leave because of their boss and a lack of appreciation. How do you want your team to feel when they are get- ting ready to come to work? How do you want your team to feel when they are at work? And how do you want your team to feel when they are at home and thinking about The leadership model of the past was top-down. More re- cently, many leaders transitioned to a service-based model that was bottom-up—but both of these models are flawed because they are built on rank and positioning. When per- forming your mindset reset, think about how your busi- ness would change if it was no longer a hierarchical pyramid, but rather was a circular wheel of community and collaboration. The goal of leadership is a circle built upon trust, and that trust is built on the team of “us”—just as the word “trust” itself cannot be spelled without “us.” Therefore, a circular leadership structure must be fueled by the ideas, energy, commitment and enthusiasm of you and your work community. When envisioning this new leadership model, think of the following tenets: l Authenticity: A culture where people can bring their “whole” self to work—not just their highlight reel. l Curiosity: A work atmosphere where people are not afraid to share bold and out-of-the-box ideas. l Meaning and Purpose: An environment where work is “When each team member is in their genius zone, you can see it. Their body language changes. Their eyes light up. They become fully engaged, and distraction is no longer a problem.” MAY 2020 ■ PULSE 53