Pulse May 2016 | Page 21

Smart Marketing The final piece in the puzzle is marketing. Most importantly, Sanadome recognizes how a rapidly-changing world of social media has changed the way its spa guests communicate and that it must do the same if it is going to stay ahead. “The communications landscape has changed enormously over the past decade,” says den Bieman. He also recognizes the need to give back and to partner with groups whose main aim is not necessarily profit. “We strongly believe in partnerships, with a common purpose to achieve marketing success for both parties. We work with partners that have no commercial goals in the spa industry, but share the same values. It is also important that the partner is a strong brand in its own sector.” Sanadome is an official European Union-sanctioned Eco-Label hotel, which de Vries believes is another crucial marketing tool. “We are going a bit further than most of our competition. This is the way we do business. Costs are important, of course, but using sustainable practices and giving producers and farmers a fair deal is also a high priority for us.” One thing that never changes in the spa industry is the need to change. By constantly reviewing its menus and listening to what its customer want, Sanadome has maintained a rich blend of local customers seeking traditional Dutch treatments along with an international clientele seeking cutting-edge treatments [