Pulse March / April 2015 | Page 67

A Day in the Life! BY ALEXANDER MENRISKY AHMED ABDULLAH CEO and Founder • Lexli International Inc. Fargo, North Dakota exli International Inc.’s CEO and Founder Dr. Ahmed Abdullah juggles most of his time between his medical practice as a plastic surgeon and researching and conceptualizing new products for the skin-care brand, which is known for its aloe-based formulations. “As a plastic surgeon I’ve seen firsthand the benefits of aloe on the skin. Because of this, I looked for a highquality aloe-based line I could offer my patients. When I realized it didn’t exist, I developed one,” Dr. Abdullah recalls the idea that launched Lexli. He focuses on proven research when developing the next Lexli product. “I notice that companies are very quick to incorporate new ingredients and technologies into their products,” he says. “While this may be good, I prefer to wait until there is a good amount of data and a track record of success before incorporating them into Lexli products.” How does Dr. Abdullah manage to maintain his medical practice while running a skin-care company? Luckily, he has a dedicated team of 11 staff members who help manage much of L The life of a spa professional is a continuous cycle of daily responsibilities that help make the spa world go round. Pulse asks ISPA members to give us a sneak peek into their daily lives to help us understand the roles they play and the difference they make on a daily basis. the work at their headquarters in Fargo, North Dakota, but his schedule still finds him flying all over the globe: H 9 am Practices plastic surgery in the U.S. or in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. “Most weekdays, I’m either in surgery, clinic, or traveling to one of my clinics. If traveling, I use this time to catch up on the latest skin-care research and scientific articles.” H 4 pm Meets with Lexli’s operations, research and development, customer service and marketing teams. “I provide guidance and listen to their ideas, brainstorm and deal with any outstanding business that needs my attention.” H 6 pm Responds to customer emails and Facebook messages. H Overnight “If I’m in Dubai, I often have a conference call with my team in the U.S. in the middle of the night.” H Weekend “This is my opportunity to What day-to-day challenges do you come across as the head of the company? Budget: Budgeting is always a balancing act. Like many companies, we have countless great ideas for products we’d like to introduce and campaigns we’d like to implement. Therefore, we pay attention to what the market tells us and work to develop products that we know will resonate with our customers while implementing campaigns that speak, primarily to those audiences who already know us best. Staff management: The Lexli team is second to none, so I don’t spend much ѥ