Pulse March / April 2015 | Page 59

P: For entrepreneurs constantly bombarded with trends and fads, it is often challenging to filter one from the other. What’s the best way to distinguish trends from fads? L: The main difference is that fads come and go, whereas trends evolve. Almost every trend I’ve spoken about comes from somewhere, another trend or a megatrend, and it’s anchored in needs. Everything we write about is anchored in these core needs: status, convenience, safety and connection with individuals. They’re not changing, and trends evolve out of that, whereas a fad just comes and goes and is based on novelty. P: In the world of business where competitors conveniently copy each other, how can brands or companies become trendsetters rather than copycats? L: There’s no shame in copying—it’s sort of like picking up the ball and running farther with it, in a new context. Another service we offer is an exciting look at some of the things other people are doing. There’s no shame in seeing that and being inspired by that because those people have 100 percent been inspired by somebody else. If you are a spa brand and see a marketing campaign by a local coffee shop, you can ask yourself, “Why do I like this so much? Why does it resonate? How can I tweak this for my own clientele?” A lot of people think trend-based innovation is really expensive, and one other trend that’s interesting is called “Politeness Pays,” and it’s about re-introducing good manners into communal areas of interaction. P: Is there a particular global shift of consumer behavior that you believe will impact the spa or wellness industry the most? L: We have a trend about selfimprovement which touched on a core need for peace of mind or more efficient daily life. All the ways that we could improve probably relates P: Are there significant cultural to that. We tell all of our clients differences among these trends in that every trend is relevant because NEED TO KNOW MORE of the latest different parts of the world? they all stem from the core conconsumer trends? Visit trendwatching.com L: We do see differences. What’s sumer wants and values, the desire to subscribe to its monthly free trend briefing or avail of its annual trends report. Plus, probably more surprising is the for convenience, status, more concheck out its idea-generation tool called amount of similarity among connection with strangers, and the Consumer Trend Canvas to contextualize sumers. We’ve always had spotters ability to relax and rest. These are trends in relations to your business and help around the world, but this is the the drivers of any of our trends. you come up with innovations. second year we had offices in Sao In the context of “Post-demoPaulo, Singapore and Lagos. What’s graphic Consumerism,” businesses interesting is that the trend “Sympathetic Pricing” was first need to be willing to tackle their own assumptions, say, “What spotted in our Brazilian office, and since they shared it with is it we’re assuming about our target audience or market?” I’m us, we’ve been seeing a demand for it around the world. For sure your industry is as guilty as any of having long-held ideas instance, we’ve seen it in the Philippines. There’s considerable about who uses your services and what they are like. Be prebehavior on a global level that’s massively impacted by mobile pared to question, reimagine and even overturn the decades of technology. n assumptions you’ve made about your consumers. With “Post-demographics Cons յ