Pulse December 2018 | Page 54

BY JAMISON STOIKE HEY, THEY CAN’T ALL BE HITS. LET’S TAKE A LOOK BACK AT THE FADS THAT FLOPPED. Pet Rocks. Beanie Babies. 3D movies. Over the years, there have been countless trends hailed as “the next big thing” that promptly sputtered and vanished like so many fads before them. The spa industry isn’t immune to fads either—many products, treatments and services that were thought to be trends ended up being short-lived fads. And while engaging with the latest trends can quickly boost revenue, investing too heavily in fads that fade quickly can lead to wasted resources and lost customers. Since Pulse is taking a look at trends from 2018 and those we expect to see in 2019, it’s a good time to remind everyone of the trends that haven’t endured. 52 PULSE ■ December 2018