Pulse August 2019 | Page 47

the only one who has faced these types of frustrations. Be willing to reach out and come together to share how you LEvEL 2: One level above is anger, which is the energy of competition or can set each other up for success after experiencing conflict. Here a person feels that they have to win setbacks. arguments and prove that they are always right. elevating your energy LEvEL 3: RARE leaders are not only a “Bounce Back Boss,” but The third level is forgiveness, which is the energy of harmo- they also recognize that they are a CEO: Chief Energy nization. At this level, people will easily move past Officer. The mood and behaviors of a leader dispropor- conflicts by just agreeing with the other person and tionately impact the mood and behaviors of those around letting them have their way. Yet, they still keep track of them. In his book Energy Leadership, Bruce Schneider all the wrongs which may bring them back down to states that “leadership is how you interact with everyone, anger later on at work. including yourself.” What kind of energy are you bringing into your interactions with yourself or others? In Energy Leadership, Schneider identifies seven levels of energy that we can potentially bring into any inter- action with our spa associates or our customers. LEvEL 1: which is the energy of service. Here a person comes from a mindset of wanting to help others. Yet, at times a person can take on a martyr-type mindset and feel like everything is on their shoulders; this At the lowest level is apathy, which is an energy of victim- ization. People who are operating at this level play the blame game and easily point out others’ flaws to shift focus off themselves. LEvEL 4: The fourth level is compassion, is not a healthy energy. LEvEL 5: Level five is peace, which is the energy of reconciliation. A person at this level is focused on how to empower others