PAGE?7 » people to experience or be introduced to your music? Some artists like the idea of a darkened room with a ridiculously expensive pair of headphones, others think live in a packed sweaty and smokey dive bar is best... how about yourself? I don’t really care. I mean obviously it’s not best to listen to on a laptop or whatever, but once the music is out there, and out of my hands it’s for people to do whatever they want with. You are well known for being sexually provocative live and then singing about it on Freaking Out the Neighbourhood... Some people make the point that your live performance doesn’t necessarily fit the nature of your music. What have you got planned for the live shows in China and what’s your opinion regarding whether or not it adds to or detracts from the music? What do you say to those people who get caught up on this aspect? The nature of our live shows is a product of my band and me being lazy and having fun. We’re not super tight, and sometimes represent the songs drastically differently than they are on recording. It used to be there to sort of cover-up for playing crappy. We can play fine now, and things have toned down, but depending on the vibe we still get funky sometimes. I think it’s also a way for us to let the crowd know we’re not super serious weirdo indie rock weenies. If we look like dorks or goof up there then the crowd then hopefully the crowd will loosen up and have fun with us. Shows are supposed to be fun, not like going to a museum. You are also known for being a visual artist with your music videos. How important would you say image is to you as songwriter/ performer and how can it affect people’s perceptions of your music? A lot of people think I make the majority of the music videos, but I don’t really. I’ve had a hand in SHANGHAI247.NET making a couple of them with my close friends, but others are completely someone elses thing. I like the videos where it’s just mellow and we’re having a good time making it. I’m not really a fan of the weird huge elaborate music video style though, I don’t think I’ll be doing many of those in the future. ? I think a lot of the way people perceive us is based on our image, but it’s not like we plan anything really. Maybe I’ll wear weird clothes or put on make-up, but I just think it’s funny. I’m sure it drives some people away from us too, but if it does, I don’t really want them listening to my music anyway. So you’ve called your music Jizz Jazz... care to elaborate? Dirty Daniel came over and whipped the walrus cum onto the pied piper’s dashboard. Any advice to young kids who are trying to get their guitars to jangle brightly? Spread sea lion semen on the casing of your pickups. I can’t remember who taught me that, but it really gives you great tone. As a now solo artist and a multi-instrumentalist/ producer you must be quite comfortable with the idea of being musically independent but... if we could twist your arm and you ask who you would you most like to collaborate with who would that be and why? Ryuichi Sakamoto or Haruomi Hosono [Japanese musicians and composers, members of pioneering electronic group Yellow Magic Orchestra]. It would barely be a collaboration, It’d just be nice to learn something from them or just hang out. • Mac DeMarco plays Yuyintang on Nov 30th with support from Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. 9pm, 80 RMB door, 60 RMB students 247TICKETS.CN