PAGE?6 HERE’S A DESCRIPTION of one of Canada’s ’Jizz Jazz’ musicians Mac De Marco’s gigs from an earlier interview: ‘All of a sudden, my clothes came off, everyone’s pouring beer on me and I stuck drumsticks up my ass.’ Actually, this wasn’t even a gig he was meant to be at. He just turned up and plugged in his iPod. So that’s who we’re dealing with here. H is recorded output is actually a lot more easy going than the descriptions of his shows. Reminiscent of a less aggressive Kirin J Callinan, he writes ever-so slightly deranged pop songs that you wouldn’t be afraid to have on in your living room on a quiet Sunday afternoon, regardless of how you might feel about having this particular guy show up in your living room. Not saying it wouldn’t be fun, it just depends on how much of your stuff he decides to stick up himself. Your music has often been composed, recorded and even produced in an intimate setting, whether that’s by releasing your music via cassettes or recording last year’s album “2” in your apartment. Do you think this approach is fitting and important to your music, and do you think something crucial would be lost if you were to record in a professional studio environment? How important is intimacy to you as an artist? I think it’s extremely important. For me, doing everything alone colours the outcome of the music in some weird, but good way. I’m at a point right now where I don’t want to be reassured that something I’m creating is up to par. If I feel like it isn’t I’d be able to tell. I don’t like having someones elses hands all over my shit, and the pressure ]???Y\??]???[??[?H?Y[??X[H??\??YK??? ?\?[?H??H^H??]HX^X?H??YY^Hx?&[[??\[?H?Y[??]x?&[XZ?H?\?H]?Y[??Y??\?? ????[?Z[???]??K?????[?H]?H[??YXH[?Z[????[?H??[?\?Z?H0????S??RL? ??U??? ?P??U????