PAGE?3 PAGE?5 THE ROCKER’S GUIDE TO HONG KONG Pete Jackson NOT GONNA LIE READERS, I’ve got quite the soft spot for Hong Kong. Maybe it’s the Brit in me that enjoys driving on the left, an abundance of Marks and Spencer goodies and plenty of references to dear old Queen Victoria. Maybe it’s the fact that there’s an abundance of islands to explore and mountains to climb which are kind of absent in Shanghai, but I kinda like the place. So in between stuffing my face with Dim Sum and standing in line whilst sending fervent supplications skywards to the visa gods, are there opportunities to rock out? U nlike Beijing, Hong Kong’s independent music scene isn’t something you hear about much – to the point where a surprising number of people aren’t aware that there even is one. However, this month, two awesome HK bands are making it over to play as part of Rat On Swamp Dog, a mini-festival organised by Nate Sidoti and Pairs’ Xiao Zhong. Meet Tigerbombers and Say Mosquito, Hong Kong’s rock ambassadors to Shanghai. For those that don’t know you – say hi and introduce yourselves and your bands. Who are you and what do you play – styles, influences, etc.? What are the stories behind the bands? STEVE - Hello Shanghai! My name is Steve, and I play guitar and sing in Say Mosquito. We’ve been labelling ourselves as rockabilly gypsy punk recently, but that doesn’t always fit depending on the song. We just play fast weird music and have lots of fun doing it. MAGGIE - My name is Maggie and I play bass and sing soft backup vocal in Say Mosquito. I grew up listening to cheesy, boring cantopop. Luckily my brother started digging Green Day when I was 15 SHANGHAI247.NET which was when I got interested in the Western music scene. ART - Hi, my name is Arthur, I play guitar in Tigerbombers. I’d say we’re a rock & roll band in the most traditional sense of the word, but one that exists in a world where Phil Spector and the Ramones have happened. How much exposure do you get to mainland bands? Are there many mainland bands that are much on people’s radars over in HK? MAGGIE - Round Eye and Hedgehog. Round Eye is crazy! I remember Chachy having saliva hanging from his mouth to his shoulder, but he was so into the playing! It finally came off... Hedgehog has this cute little drummer who seriously rocks. ART - I think the local crowd is more hip to [mainland bands], but some the stuff does make its way down. The drummer of PK14’s an old HK guy, I really like their new record and Fanzui Xiangfa killed it when they played here with Fucked Up. Can you bring us over some milk powder? Seriously. We love that shit over here. MAGGIE - We sell it for like $8888 for one can. Please email us to make your quotation. W ]\?HHY?[????[????Z[??[?H?[?[????]\?HH?[?Y\?[????[?\??Z?O?\?]H????]H??]?B?]\?X???]?[????[?]Y\?\?H\?B???[?YH?[????U?H H^Z[??]\?X?[??????\?]?\??YK?\???\?[?H?[??Y\[???[?\??X?]?K?]8?&\?B??X[H?X[]\?X???[?K[?\?x?&\??HH[??[???[?Y\????Y?[?[]\?X?[???\??\?H???[???? ?P??U????