We left the restaurant and Date 5 casually asked about my plans for the rest of the evening – was I heading home or did I fancy accompanying him to a nearby hotel? I probably shouldn’t have turned him down – my biological clock is ticking, after all. Date: 6 this guy’s place. So there I was, under the influence of cheap Chinese beer, tempted by the thought of warm, bubbly goodness and feeling a bit miffed by Date 6’s womanizing. Deciding honesty was the best policy, I bluntly informed Date 6 that I was going to have a bath. He looked disappointed but we said our goodbyes and I started to make my way towards the exit. ‘Gangnam Style’ was playing, so I stole a cheeky glance to check out Date 6’s dance moves, only to find he was snogging the face off one of the Chinese chicks. Nice. Occupation: Unknown Location: Chinese bar I originally met Date 6 whilst out with Date 1. He put in a lot of groundwork, texting on the hour, every hour and eventually asked me out. We met at the same bar as before and I was relieved it was just the two of us – no friend tagalongs or grumpy girlfriends. He absolutely LOVED dancing and ran to the dance floor to have a boogie whenever a good song came on. His talent attracted a lot of attention and scantily-clad females started coming over to toast him. When they realized he was on a date with the only white girl in the bar they wanted to take photos. Date 6 invited them to join us and they giggled like pubescent teenagers, repeating the only three English phrases they knew: ‘hello’, ‘I love you’ and ‘make love’. I was then faced with a date-scheduling dilemma – I was receiving flirtatious texts from another Chinese chap asking me to join him for a drink. I’ve known this other guy for ages; he’s often out of town, which is why he hasn’t actually featured in this week’s dating challenge. I like him for two reasons: 1) he can do magic tricks and 2) he has a really nice place with a bath. During my entire existence in China, I’ve only ever had a bath at Message Me Favourite Gift Me Date Night