Publication2 med aquascape Publication1cs complete | Page 95

diversity of habitats necessary for fish fauna rich in species and biomass . Another effect of deforestation is the obvious scarcity of water , mainly in the Pacific Slope ( Bussing , 2002 ). When these variables meet , pollution and deforestation , the result is known all over the planet : Global warming . Specifically , in a tropical country like Costa Rica that can be felt in one direction , rainfall shortages . According to National Meteorological Institute is confirmed the decrease in rainfall pattern of 2012 , up 40 %, which caused a regime change in rainfall in 2013 , where brief rain occurred but dangerous as they are capable of causing disasters especially in the centre of the country , this caused by urban disorder , which never respected or institutions with competence did not make them respect , protection areas on both sides , on the banks of rivers , creeks or streams , this according to Article 33 of the Forestry Law , No . 7575 , causing the channels remain very low and floods is provided ( Astorga , 2013 ). To this must be added the problem still persists , the mismanagement of solid waste , which reached a good amount of water bodies , as in the Tarcoles River , where most of the country population and major productive and economic activities is concentrated . Throughout the basin , 2.33 million people live which equates to about 55 % of the national population ; well are located 80 % of industries including since five years to high-tech industries , beverage , chemical , agro-industrial , metallurgy ; and the main trade and increased service delivery in the country . For this reason this basin is considered the most polluted in the country and one of the highest polluted in Central America . ( Espinoza et al , 2004 ). Ironically one of the solutions proposed by the Government to this problem was the creation of the environmental tax for dumping ( Decree No . 31176 ), under the principle that " the polluter pays " and those who generate pollution are charged for damages that the discharge of wastes causes which affect third parties and ecosystems . The Regulatory Commission of this fee is agreed in the general payment of the pollution load , but giving an incentive to those who meet the maximum concentrations defined by the Rules of Dumping and an additional penalty for not meeting ( Astorga , 2013 ). Aware of this uncomfortable reality , a group of aquarists , biologists and conservationists have come together to found the Costa Rican Association of Aquarists for Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystems ( ACACED , for its acronym in Spanish ), which has as its mission , to conserve freshwater ecosystems of Costa Rica , by the responsible aquarium , environmental education , research and interference in management policies , involving different organs , science , and the general public ( ACACED , 2014 ). In addition , to deal with the problems that affect aquatic environments , the Association develops activities such as , studies and inventories of freshwater ecosystems ; environmental attacks denounces and situations of ecological risk that violate current conservation laws ; promoting the creation of new laws and projects as biological closures , fish passes and exhaust dampers background in Hydroelectric Dams . Additionally , the Association works in citizen awareness on the proper use of freshwater ecosystems and resources through environmental education activities such as talks , courses , debates , environmental fairs , tours and exhibitions oriented to the general public and specific groups ; disseminating the