Publication2 med aquascape Publication1cs complete | Page 92

from where the brine shrimp cysts are collected from, some newly hatched nauplii may not be small enough for the new Archocentrus spinosissi- mus fry to consume. It can be tricky finding food appropriate for the fish to eat on their first fragile days of free swimming. I’ve found that the best method is to leave the fry in with the parents in the densely planted tank where they can pick mi- croorganisms off of the plants. Parental behaviour begins to dwindle after about a week post free swimming and the fry may become vulnerable to predation by other tank inhabitants. For this rea- son, I like to siphon out the fry to raise in a A close-up of Archocentrus spinosis- simus wrigglers hanging in the roots of water sprite. 16