Publication2 med aquascape Publication1cs complete | Page 77

Biotope Information Vieja argentea are found in slower flowing parts of rivers and lakes with rocks and sandy bottom and driftwood. Some parts of the Rio Tulija can be very fast flowing where rheophilic cichlids are found. Habi- tats and water flow can drastically change within a short distance. V. argentea are regarded as lascturine, so plan accordingly when choosing fish and setting up a biotope type aquarium. Other cichlid species that are found in the same rivers are: Chuco intermedium, exCichlasoma pearsei, exCichlasoma salvini, Thorichthys helleri, Theraps lentiginosus and Vieja ufemanni Non cichlid species include: Astyanax fasciatus, mexicanus, Gobiomorus dormitory,Poecilia sp. and Rhamdia guatamalensis (Catfish) 41