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My decision to include them in the Vieja com- plex is my own opinion, but you may also find this fish described under Paratheraps. Both forms are illustrated to help confusion. It is my belief that the orange morph V. melanura is a population confined only to the Lake Peten ba- sin and not found elsewhere? Vieja argentea (Allgayer, 1991) Common name: White cichlid, Silver cichlid Size: up to 30cm TL Distribution: Atlantic slope in the Usumacinta riv- er basin, Mexico Vieja regani (Miller 1974) Common name: Almoloya cichlid Size: 30cm TL Distribution: Atlantic slope in the Rio Coat- zacoalcos river basin, Mexico. Vieja heterospila (Hubbs, 1936) Common name: Montecristo cichlid Size: 25cm TL Distribution: Atlantic slope in the Candalaria and Usumacinta rivers in Mexico and Guatemala. Notes: A recent systematic study has suggested they belong to the Theraps complex? Vieja ufermanni (Allgayer, 2002) Common name: Usumacinta cichlid Size: 25cm TL Distribution: Atlantic slope in the Usumacinta river drainage, Guatemala,Mexico. Notes: Before this fish was described it was well known as sp. ‘corzo’. There is still much confusion to its official status within the Vieja complex. A recent taxonomy study has suggest- ed that the fish belong to the Theraps complex? Vieja maculicauda ( Regan, 1905) Common name: Black Belt cichlid Size: 30cm TL Distribution: Atlantic slope in the Usumacinta riv- er drainage (Guatemala) to the Rio Chagres (Panama). Found through Belize, Costa Rica, Gua- temala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama. References: Checklist of Freshwater Fishes of South & Cen- tral America, Sven O, Kullander 2003 Vieja melanura / Vieja synspila (Günther, 1862) Common name: Quetzel cichlid, Distribution: Atlantic slope in the De le Pasion River and Lake Peten basin (Guatemala) Also the Usumacinta river drainage in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize. Notes: It was thought that V. melanura was a separate species to V. synspila, but since a recent study comparing both fish, it has since found that V. synspila is a sister species to V. melanura, so therefore becomes a junior synonym. According to rules set by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN), the older de- scribed fish (melanura) takes preference. My de- Vieja ufermanni photo– Aquamojo 21