Publication2 med aquascape Publication1cs complete | Page 220

If we are to keep them in a community display tank, then careful consideration should be taken when choosing compatible species. Although A. trimaculatus live sympatric in different habi- tats with A. macracanthus, Parachromis mon- taguensis and Paratheraps zonatus, I wouldn’t personally mix these species together, but only in the largest display aquariums! However, small to medium sized cichlids would be quite suitable. Some suggestions for biotope correct species could be Cryptoheros nigrofasciatus, Cryptoheros spilurus and Astatheros longimanus. All are quite suitable and should be added together to estab- lish pecking orders. If biotope correct species aren’t your thing, then other small to medium sized cichlids can be used. I believe you will see a reduction in A. trimaculatus notorious aggressive behaviour, if they perceive themselves as the dominant fish without too much competition. Of course spawning pairs will possibly bring other problems to the community tank. Biotope correct dither fish could be a problem due to predation, however, shoals of large disc characins have noted to be quite suitable and able to deter unwanted interactions from large predatory cichlids. If you can find pure stock, I highly recommend keeping them in a large community or as a show- piece pair in a large aquarium. An adult female displaying the beginnings of pre-spawning colouration 36