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© Sebastiaan Wassenaar This is one of the few species in southern Mexico, Belize and Guatemala, which can tolerate colder temperatures. The temperatures in the cenotes are often less than 20 C/68 F, because of the great depth. This is confirmed in an article by Ross So- colof 1984. It is also known that C. intermedium also occurs in the highlands of Guatemala. During the drought periods, the water temperatures can vary between 24C/ 75Fand 30C/86F; again a testa- ment to the water temperature ranges that they can tolerate. Outside the breeding season C. intermedium are normally found in the deeper parts of rivers with strong flowing water. The swimming behaviour in nature is also focused on these fast running parts of the river; Chuco Intermedium are rheophilic fish and need fast Chuco intermedium occurs in Mexico, Belize and Guatemala in the Usumacinta and Grijalvas basin. Notable River includes, Rio Chacamax, Rio Misol Ha, Rio Bascan, Rio Corzo and Rio Tulija and Rio de la Pasion in Guatemala. Chuco intermedium populations in Belize often inhabit cenotes where stagnant water occurs, such as the famous "Blue Hole". The populations in many creeks have slow flowing water, such as "Stan Creek". This is in contrast to the C.intermedium of Mexico and Guatemala. Now, one would expect that the morphological profile of C.intermedium of Belize is higher than the variations from Guatemala and Mexico; how- ever, this is not the case. They are also a species with huge environmental adaptability. 20