Publication2 med aquascape Publication1cs complete | Page 203

Its Chuco Time! Sibrand Martens share’s his experience keeping and spawning this underappreciated riverine cichlid Chuco intermedium belongs to a group of rheo- philic fish where there are two other members as- signed to the complex, C. godmanni and C. mi- crophthalmus (type specimen). Fernández Yépez, erected the genus in 1969; however Sven Kulland- er 1996 proposed Vieja as a new genus to assign the fish too. Over the years they have moved in and out of different genera including Theraps, where they may possibly find themselves again? A recent study, McMahan et al 2010, constructed a molecular phylogeny of 90 species of cichlids and found that all members assigned to the Chuco complex are in fact most closely related to the The- raps genus. A suggested review of species is pro- posed, so time will tell if Chuco intermedium is in fact Theraps intermedium? 19