Publication2 med aquascape Publication1cs complete | Page 200

A dorsal pointed edge will develop in males, also I have noted when fish are sexually active, males eyes are blue while females develop yellow; this is present in all populations I have kept. V. melanura are substrate spawners, but will also use caves such as flowerpots. The spawning pro- cess is no different from other Central American cichlids; bi parental care is expected with the fry becoming free swimming in around 8 days. Pa- rental squabbling was observed in my aquarium to a point where both fish were separated for their safety; this behaviour seemed to be more frequent when the male became mature. Howev- er, there are many positive reports of pairs living and spawning in harmony, I guess it’s a matter of weighing the pros and cons. In a community setup, V. melanura can have di- verse behaviour patterns. I have kept both placid and very aggressive fish. Like many centrals it will always be better to buy fish from juveniles; this . Male Female 16