Publication2 med aquascape Publication1cs complete | Page 193

Pic 2 Pic 2: In juvenile fish the pale yellow colour is uni- form throughout the body with a big spot in the middle of the lateral line and one more in the cau- dal peduncle. You can see that many specimens have a purple or violet colour in the iris of the eyes; a feature absent in other populations. With all the above we can conclude that the pro- cess of evolution continues right in front of us, species are changing, adapting to their environ- ment and the different conditions, which some- times humans suddenly change, which prevents the process adaptation of the species takes place and finally the species becomes extinct. Hopefully we preserve what is left in a better way. Photo credits: Francisco Gutiérrez Franco Marco Arroyo Edgar Rodriguez Caamano Sabinas Hidalgo © Marco Arroyo 9