Publication2 med aquascape Publication1cs complete | Page 177

The BIG and BAD! Lee Nuttall takes a look at two cichlids regarded as the main heavy weights in the aquarium hobby! New world cichlids come in all colours, shapes and sizes; many are suitable for the average sized aquarium. However; there are two heavy weight contenders which are generally unsuitable, but for only the largest aquariums; Parachromis dovii and Caquetaia umbrifera. Both these cichlids are of special interest as they are the largest growing of their respected genera, but why so popular? Some will claim that they are status fish, much like when some owners keep an aggressive dog, but if kept correctly, they can make a stunning showpiece and become very interactive with their owner. It is true that many, who keep these cich- lids, certainly cannot provide a suitable home long term, which is sadly a common occurrence; how- ever I’m happy to report that there are some sen- sible and dedicated hobbyists who can provide the right sized conditions. There’s no doubting the sheer presents and beau- ty that both cichlids exhibit when adult, but a little research and thought will certainly be need- ed if you are considering keeping these cichlids long term. 29