Publication2 med aquascape Publication1cs complete | Page 146

Rocio octofasciata (Regan 1903) Etymology: Rocio: Named after the author's Schmitter-Soto's wife - octofasciatus - means eight barred; octo=eight and fas- cia=bar or stripe Common name: Jack Dempsey cichlid Size: Males can attain sizes of 10 inches 25 cm, Females are smaller around 7 inches 17cm. Wild specimens will rarely attain sizes of their aquarium counterparts. Distribution: Rocio octofasciata has quite a widespread range from, the Atlantic slopes of SE Mexico to the Rio Ulua in Hondurus. Exotic populations are found in Florida wa- terways, where it has been reported since 1974 and recently introduced exotic popula- tions reported to be found in Australia. They are found in a range of habitats like lowland slow flowing rivers, pools and la- goons as well as stagnant ditches. Rocio oc- tofasciata are also commonly observed in the clear cenotes of the northern Yucatan Peninsula. 34