Publication2 med aquascape Publication1cs complete | Page 145

comment on breeding habits from references. These fish normally defend a spawning area of about 80cm in diameter. They are substrate spawners which will dig until they find a rock or other suitable surface. This is then meticulously cleaned by both sexes which will display to each other with fins erect and a quivering body which will also darken with more intense colouration. Eggs will be laid shortly thereafter and these are assiduously guarded by both sexes which will at this point become more aggressive towards tank mates although they still tolerate them in the wid- er area. Eggs hatch within 3 days and the fry are free swimming approximately 5 days later. At this point they do not glance-feed from their parents’ mucus as in other large Neotropical cichlids. Fry can be fed on crushed pellet food or small insect larvae and they begin the earth eating tendencies at an early age. impeccably especially when one considers it is from Central America. Although not recommend- ed for beginners I have found it extremely reward- ing and interesting to keep these Central American Earth Eaters. I hope that this short piece has made you think about tracking down this elusive fish. It is an im- pressive, attractively coloured fish which does not grow too large and in the main behaves A young Astatheros nourissati Photo© Wisse Sluijters 33