Publication2 med aquascape Publication1cs complete | Page 140

Chuco intermedium and the occasional Eugerres mexicanus. Fortunately not all the river has been invaded as a barrier has been created by means of a concrete bridge. This acts as a barrier, preventing the devil fish from swimming upstream, stopping further invasion. The next day we returned to Chiapas, specifically to the Rio Corzo, where we expected to find Astather- os nourissati, however it was not possible, instead we found Theraps irregularis, Theraps lentiginosus and Thorichthis helleri. Both Theraps lentiginosus and Theraps irregularis, like to swim where the current is particularly strong. They are riverine species as the hydrody- namics shape of their bodies allows them to swim in the currents without too much effort. Their habitat is rocky, with sandbars and logs on the banks. I must say that at this point the water had a turquoise colour to the surface, but under water it contains large amounts of sediment which makes it whitish and look cloudy. Personally I would have liked to spend more Theraps coeruleus Rio Bascam, Mexico 28