Publication2 med aquascape Publication1cs complete | Page 135

I currently have a pair who has been guarding their young for over 4 weeks post hatching and they show no signs of stopping this behaviour. The fry are not dwindling in number either, in fact they have only reduced as I have stolen some to raise separately. I am interested to see for how much longer the parents will protect their young’; they are currently showing signs of wanting to spawn again so I suspect that it will not be for much long- er. Whatever happens it has been nice to see them raise their young in a more natural manner in a tank befitting their size and catering for their needs. If you have some space to spare give these fish a try as you should find them as rewarding as I have. spawning territory against all comers which is why they need space if they are to be kept in a com- munity setting. My male will chase for about 4 feet before he gives up to return to his guarding duties and so far I have had no fish damaged by the defensive parents. The eggs hatch after ap- proximately 2 days and 79C and at this point the fry are about ¼ inch in length. After 5 days they become free swimming and swarm around the parents around the parents looking for food. They will peck the substrate and décor eating the mi- nute morsels which are found there and I have also found that the parents will stir up the sub- strate for the young alongside chewing and spitting out their own food. I have found that ad- ditional feeding is not necessary in a mature aquarium and have had fry grow quickly to an inch in length (4 weeks) on this diet alone. In my experience Black Belt parents are excellent. Vieja maculicauda, Male 23