Publication2 med aquascape Publication1cs complete | Page 134

numerous areas before they settle on one place which they will scour clean. This can be either bog- wood, an area of rocks, the aquarium bottom or side or in a cave such as a flowerpot. As they clean these surfaces the female will have dummy runs at spawning across her preferred site. Eventually egg laying will begin. The female will lay a batch of 20 or so eggs and the male will follow close behind fertilising the eggs. This continues until 3 – 500 eggs have been laid and fertilised. The roles in de- fending the spawn are quite defined in the Black belts. I have found through my own experience that the male very definitely defends the territory and the female defends the eggs (even from the male). Occasionally these roles will be swapped but instances of this are few and far between. During brooding the male and female are both very distinctive in colour with the white accentuat- ed by black bars. They assiduously guard their 22