Publication2 med aquascape Publication1cs complete | Page 133

away other fish from their area of tank. Breeding this fish is probably best achieved in semi adult fish due to their huge eventual size, as attempting a pairing in fish of adult size could not only cause damage to the fish themselves but also their tank mates and indeed their tank and décor; a adult of 12 inches can easily punch through the aquarium side if they are trying to flee over amo- rous attention. Sexing these fish is difficult and it is often a matter of taking an educated guess. Fe- males are likely to be smaller than males of the same age and they should also be more rotund in the belly region. Males also generally have more pointed anal and dorsal fins. If you are unsure then venting could be a way to determine sex, just be sure that you know what you are doing before attempting this tricky procedure. Pair formation involves a lot of chasing, body slap- ping, jaw locking and displaying which can contin- ue for a couple of weeks. During this period the fish will intensify their colour to a predominantly ivory body with black markings between the eyes, on the chin and the black belt will appear more prominent. The female will also start to show her ovipositor if she is satisfied with her mate, this in turn leads to a fattening of the belly as she fills with eggs. Alongside their chasing, t hese fish will carefully choose a spawning site. They will clean 21