Publication2 med aquascape Publication1cs complete | Page 129

Introduction Currently I have more than a passing interest in Central American cichlids with many of my aquaria being dedicated to these magnificent beasts. One species that has stood out in its behaviour, appearance and general demean- our is Vieja maculicauda, the humble Black Belt cichlid. Described by Regan in 1905 in his seminal work “A revision of the fish of the American cichlid genus Cichlasoma and the allied Genera” the Black Belt was named for the black blotch at the base of its caudal fin (maculi – spotted cauda – tail – Vieja is the local name for large cichlids although it actu- ally refers to old women in Spanish). Cichla- soma globosum and Cichlasoma nigritum are both synonyms for this species which may pop up in aquatic stores or old literature. 17