Publication2 med aquascape Publication1cs complete | Page 119

Water is very hard with recorded readings of 50 GH. pH readings are alkaline between 7.5-8.0. Aquatic fauna is mainly beds of Lillie’s, (Nymphaea sp.) and patches of Algae in the hot summer. The substrate is mainly muddy with occasional sunken wood littering the bottom. Female normal colour phase Fish species There are several fish species that live sympatric Male normal colour phase with H. bartoni . Cichlid species include: Herichthys labridens (Yellow Labridens) Herichthys carpintis (Texas cichlid). Herichthys carpintis has been introduced and unfortunately have been re- ported to hybridise with the H. labridens popula- tion. Other exotic species of cichlid include Tiliapia Oreochromis aureus Non cichlid species which include endemic and non-endemic species include Astyanax mexicanus, Ataeniobius toweri (Blue- tailed goodied), Cualac tessellatus (Checkered Pupfish), Dionda dichroma and Dionda mandibu- laris (Minnows), Ictalurus mexicanus (Rio Verde catfish) Poecilia latipunctat and Poecilia Mexicana. This unique ecosystem is very fragile and prone to human disruption! Male, spawning dress Colour phases of H. bartoni Females, yellow /blue phase Yellow Two phase young male females strive for dominance Blue phase Male 7