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The Rio Verde plays host to one of the most beautiful cichlids in Mexico. Threatened by a potential ecological disaster of it’s natural habitat, Barton’s cichlid are very sought after in aquarium circles….Lee Nuttall explains more…. Introduction I have more than a passing interest in the Herichthys complex of late, and when the opportunity arose to acquire a small group of Herichthys bartoni, I just had to jump at the chance! This wonderful fish was first discovered by Professor Alfredo Dugès of the University of Guanajuato in 1890 when he was exploring the Mexican state of San Luis Potosi, more specifically the Rio Verde. One particular cichlid specimen was collected and sent pre- served to Dr Tarleton Hofman Bean of the US Natural Museum for further examination. These later became the type specimens of Acara bartoni which in 1892 Dr Bean named in honour of his brother Barton A. Bean. 4