Publication2 med aquascape Publication1cs complete | Page 105

Rocks and wood, make a perfect combination! aquarium. Horn wood is quite dense and heavy and will easily sink. Although aquarium safe, it is still good practice to prepare the wood prior to adding by cleaning and soaking for a couple of days. The other type of wood is stuff you can collect yourself. This can work out very cheap as collecting your own will be free. Shape and size won’t be lim- ited either, however, be sure it will be safe to use. Q What safe wood can I collect? There are many different types of wood you can collect yourself depending where you live and what’s available. In the UK, the most commonly used wood to collect are either beech or oak tree wood. These two types of wood have been used and proved to be aquarium safe by many hobbyist. Other wood that are reported to be safe are from fruit trees like apple, pear and damson. There may- be others, but I don’t think it would be responsible to list them here as I can’t be sure they are 100% aquarium safe. I would advise to stay clear from conifer trees unless preserved in bogs, as they can contain toxins that could leach into the water mak- ing it milky! Many hobbyist from Germany and the Netherlands use wood called ''Wortelhout’’ (Wood Root). UNSAFE WOOD! Not all wood is suitable for aquarium use. Ever- green and Hawthorn can harbour lethal thorns. Pine wood in unpreserved form, Willow and Yew may contain lethal toxins? 29