Publication2 med aquascape Publication1cs complete | Page 104

Does the thought of choosing and collecting wood fill you with confusion? The Central Scene answers some common questions. Q Is wood found in Central American biotopes? You can use many different types of wood either bought from a local fish shop or collected your- self. Bog wood can be available in many different sizes, but can be become very expensive and lim- ited in shape and size The pros with aquarium bought wood are you can be sure that it will be safe to add to the aquarium and will generally sink straight away. There are many different varieties available like common Malaysian Bog Wood, Su- matra Wood, Redmoor Root Wood, which can be quite buoyant when first added to the Yes, wood plays a large part when setting up a bi- otope for Central American cichlids, it is found in many different water ways. The wood can be found in piles along the banks or from overhang- ing branches from trees. Wood can range in size from small branches to actual full sized sunken trunks. Wood is also a good decoration for cre- ating territory and spawning sites for cichlid pairs. Q So what kind of wood do you suggest? Many Central American river systems will have an abundance of wood Photo © Dieter Duehring 28