Psychopomp Magazine Spring 2015 | Page 14

14 | Psychopomp Magazine

such as cannabis or opium may be administered or withheld, according to the pleasure of the eaters. The eventual goal is the spirit.

fragmentary legends of the king

In the beginning an eye blinked.

In the beginning there was too much drowning.

In the beginning the world was a horsefly looking all over the universe for something to bite.

Then the king began eating his sons. The king started to turn into an asteroid, just a little bit. The king’s hair caught fire and would not go out. Whenever the king spoke, normal hair began to fall out of his mouth.

the origin of the king

part I: where we found the twelve princes

We found one floating in the swamp. We found another in a field when we were waking up the animals. He was kept warm by all the bodies.

I said, “Look at this, the king has left his babies everywhere.”

We found one in a sack, out in Yellow Woods.

Someone else said, “How many queens are there anyway?” We had other questions, too.

One of the bakers found a prince in the flour bin.

All the princes were hungry; all of them were babies. And though everyone loves a baby