Przegląd Archiwalno-Historyczny 1 (2014) | Page 63

Wielkopolskie organizacje kobiece u schyłku XIX w. ... 63 pracę w swoim gronie, do której kobiety zdążyły się przyzwyczaić i wymagało niekiedy rady­ kalnego forsowania argumentów, wymuszało poszerzenie horyzontów. Udział kobiet w prze­ strzeni społecznej II Rzeczypospolitej bez pracy rozpoczętej w XIX wieku byłby niemożliwy. Uświadomienie bowiem, również społeczne czy polityczne, jest procesem, w którym długa dro­ ga to nie tylko czas rozwoju kobiety – świadomej obywatelki, lecz i mężczyzny, gotowego, aby dzielić przestrzeń społeczną z kobietą. Women’s organizations at the end of the 19th century and the participation of Polish women in the social life of the Second Polish Republic Abstract When it comes to the activity of women during the times of the Second Republic, there were a lot of changes. Firstly, a sense of security was gained, which meant that secret self-education, read­ ing rooms and libraries were redundant, since the effort of educating in the Polish spirit during Prussian occupation, mostly made by women, was overtaken by the state. Charitable activity was enriched with new initiatives, and social life flourished, because it could be led freely in the free state. Professional associations at plants and companies emerged, in which women also par­ ticipated. Women were also welcome in societies established by men. Undoubtedly, the biggest achievement, the right to vote, was also a challenge, as it made it impossible to work quietly in limited, female-only circles – an activity women had managed to get used to. This sometimes re­ quired radical argumentation, and forced one to stay open minded. Female participation in the public li fe of the Second Republic would have been impossible without the work that had began in the 19th century. Raising awareness, both social and political, is a process. Long way is re­ quired not only for a woman to become a conscious citizen, but also for a man to become ready to share the social space.