Prospectus 19/20 BRITSchool_1920_Prospectus_ONLINE_SINGLES | Page 15

Key Stage 4 Course Information Film & Media Production
Post 16 Course Information Film & Media Production

Key Stage 4 Course Information Film & Media Production

Post 16 Course Information Film & Media Production

What Will I Study ?
You will study for a BTEC Level 2 Tech Award in Creative Media Production , equivalent to GCSE 9-4 . The core area of study will be in filmmaking , with some additional work in radio and photography .
How Do I Apply ?
Answer the following questions in section 7 of the application form :
a ) Why do you believe you are suited to this course ?
b ) Think about any relevant media work that you have completed inside or outside of school . Describe the project and your role within it .
c ) How will enrolling on this course benefit your future career ?
d ) Choose one of the examples of student work on our website www . brit . croydon . sch . uk / FMP14 and analyse elements such as cinematography , sound , mise en scène and narrative .
What Will I Study ?
At the end of your study you will have gained the UAL , Level 3 , Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production and Technology . It is the equivalent of three A Levels , and can be translated into UCAS points for easy application to universities .
A wide range of media skills will be taught on this course , concentrating mostly on film and television , with some parts of the course focused on photography and radio .
How Do I Apply ?
Answer the following questions in section 7 of the application form :
a ) Why do you believe you are suited to this course ?
b ) What other media-related work outside of school are you involved in ? For instance , you may be a keen photographer , filmmaker , or a scriptwriter or have experience with live broadcasting .
c ) How will enrolling on this course benefit your future career ?
d ) Choose one of the examples of student work on our website www . brit . croydon . sch . uk / FMP16 and analyse elements such as cinematography , sound , mise en scène and narrative .
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