Property & Development Magazine Issue 427 | Page 54

FOCUS ON... London City Hall Whilst it's all too easy to head to the capital and interior may be, the structure’s appear- when looking for examples of incredible ance was, by no means, a simple style choice architecture, structural design and proper- and is in fact concerned with optimising the ty feats, there are few that rival the accom- building's energy efficiency so as to mitigate plishment of London's City Hall. Completed its carbon footprint. By minimising its surface in 2002 at a construction at a cost of £43 area, the building's glass exterior poses nei- million, the hall now plays host to Mayor of ther problems of over-heating nor casts a London, Boris Johnson, and forms part of shadow over proximal walkways. the city's continual redevelopment as well Amongst, photovoltaic cells integrated as being an incredible piece of architecture into the building in 2007, City Hall also makes to adorn the streets of London itself. use of HVAC control systems, natural ventila- Having worked across a number of proj- tion and low-energy lighting, and uses just a ects, including the renovation of the Reichstag, Berlin, as well as the “blade of quarter of the energy consumed by a typical Greater London Authority (GLA). air-conditioned London office building. light” design at the Millennium Bridge, archi- Designed using advanced computer-mod- A positive addition to the capital's flour- tect Foster and Partners was well-placed to elling techniques, the building represents a ishing landscape, City Hall has come to repre- take on the challenge of creating something radical rethink of architectural form. A sent political, industrial and architectural appropriate for the London cityscape. City uniquely bulbous design amongst the more progress. With an outlook over the Thames Hall advances themes explored in the lean, linear structures surrounding it, the and just a stone's throw from the iconic, Reichstag, expressing the transparency and exterior of City Hall encases a helical stair- Tower Bridge, the building is aligned with accessibility of the democratic process and is case that winds five hundred metres up to the London's past and present and is alive with thus specifically geared toward its tenant, the top floor. Contemporary though its façade the promise of the future. n 52