Property & Development Magazine Issue 427 | Page 23

Education: University of Wales Trinity Saint David working closely with the Welsh Government which Jane believes is important to maximise regeneration projects’ opportunities. “This is right at the core of the Welsh Government, Swansea Council and the university’s belief systems about the capacity of universities to be major catalysts for knowledge economy and regeneration,” says Jane. Key to this development is the absolute commitment to collaboration as expressed by Jane, “This is a major partnership model and in terms of core values of the university, collaboration is the first of our core values. 21st century universities must not be separate from the communities they are in. They must bend their intellectual muscle as a force for local economic good” The university is strongly backing the planned creation of the proposed Tidal Lagoon, a power plant constructed in Swansea Bay, on which a decision by the UK Government is imminent. If it goes ahead, it will be the first generating tidal initiative of its type in the world. By supporting a natural resource, it would help transform the UK's future to low carbon with order to deliver affordable, sustainable “The core aspect of sustainability in construction is aiming to make our new buildings as efficient as possible” improved energy security and ulti- development,” Jane says. UWTSD also works closely with the Design Commission for Wales in order to deliver effective design review as the Waterfront Innovation Quarter develops. It means monitoring delivery outcomes through each stage to ensure they not only get the spaces they want, but the buildings are sustainable, adaptable, flexible, and deliver to per- mately lower electricity costs over its its strategic planning.. This commitment formance. This also includes working 120 year life as well as providing has led to UWTSD excelling in the sec- with Construction Industry Training regenerative economic and activity tor’s Green Gown Awards, winning Best Board and the Building Research benefits to Swansea Newcomer, Establishment to capitalise collabora- Leadership and Staff The Swansea Waterfront Innovation Champion categories in the 2015-16 Quarter will also include a new awards, which are the most prestigious tively on their expertise. “Swansea is a hugely exciting place to Construction Industry Training Board recognition of sustainability excellence be with all these potential develop- (CITB) national training centre for the within the tertiary education and envi- ments,” Jane says “and what is particular- construction industry in Wales. Jane ronmental sectors. ly exciting is the university’s vision about says, “Working alongside the CITB and “The core aspect of sustainability in being part of the beating heart of change the Building Research Establishment construction is aiming to make our new to transform the city”. Jane believes the (BRE), we are also developing a new buildings as efficient as possible opportunity for universities to be cata- school of architecture which will focus on through passive means,” says Jane. This lysts for regeneration is huge, adding, “If all aspects of sustainable construction, includes considering the positioning and we transform our educational offer to both in the context of what we do in the orientation of buildings, the amount of meet the needs of the region and its eco- Swansea Waterfront Innovation Quarter energy required, the selection of mate- nomic ambitions, we not only transform itself, but also about what we should rials used in construction and using nat- the lives of our citizens, we transform teach about what needs to be done; how ural resources in an efficient way. In the lives of employers, we transform the architecture needs to resp