Program Success September 2008 | Page 17

Both candidates have compromised their best qualities in their choice of running mate. Which can now square the circle? Two outstanding candidates, 57 days to go and the opinion polls neck and neck. We offer a 12-step programme on the model of Alcoholics Anonymous for recovering the moral standing of American leadership. 1. Resolve those contradictions Barack Obama and John McCain chose running mates who disagree with them on core issues. Joe Biden voted for the invasion of Iraq; Sarah Palin supports drilling for oil in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The Iraq issue is essentially historical, although it does not look so clever for Mr. Obama to boast about his judgment. Mr. McCain, who did not mention climate change in his acceptance speech, has a bigger problem: decisions on energy policy will have to be taken within days of inauguration. He must re-assert his commitment to energy-saving action. 2. Close the gates Avoid any controversy that could have the suffix “gate” attached to it. Ms Palin has already fallen victim to that most irritating US cliché, with the so-called troopergate. 3. Family on parade If you put your family on the stage, you become accountable for choices that are normally kept private. Mr. McCain left his first wife, who was confined to a wheelchair by a car accident; Ms Palin needs to be careful in using her own children to illustrate her fidelity to family values. ((и