Program Success Program Success February 2016 | Page 13


Nah Deh Simmons Attorney at Law Jacksonville , Florida February 2016

Much of society ' s knowledge about the criminal justice system stems from programming on television . In the past , it was Matlock , Perry Mason , Murder She Wrote , and LA Law . Today programming includes , Law & Order , NCIS , CSI and First 48 just to name a few . Though we are part of the information age and we have the ability to have information at our finger tips , through cell phone , email , texting , and other forms of quick communication , society still rely on information provided by the media when it comes to issues relating to the criminal justice system . Contrary to popular belief , Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text . It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC , making it over 2000 years old . Richard McClintock , a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia , looked up one of the more obscure passage , and going through the cites of the word in classical literature , discovered the undoubtable source . Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of " de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum " ( The Extremes of Good and Evil ) by Cicero , written in 45 BC . This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics , very popular during .

Media coverage of violence in American society is skewed too often towards the sensational " if it bleeds , it leads " approach . While conscientious journalists make an effort to cover the debilitating effects of violent crime , particularly in low-income and vulnerable communities , deadline and newsroom pressures still leave a critically important dimension of the story unreported . What can be done and what is working to reduce or prevent such violence ? This is a missed opportunity . Reporting that covers the solutions as well as the problems can be empowering . Instead of passively accepting the " reality " of violence in their communities and neighborhoods , people can see possibilities for change and build upon them .
Far too often when individuals find themselves in court and are facing a justice system that they are not familiar with and / or afraid of , it can be very overwhelming . The policies , procedures , biases , and perception are all coming together so fast and in an adversarial manner that one can be left to ponder is this justice or just-us . When I represent clients and stand before the bench on their behalf , I put myself in their position and think that this can be me or someone close to me facing the same problems and issues . I therefore dedicate my full energy effort and use all available resources to ensure the justice is served . Keeping in mind that " injustice anywhere is a threat to justice
everywhere as whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly ."


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