Program Success November 2014 | Page 13



Audra Bryant Look Who ' s Talking Tallahassee , Florida November 2014
By Aundra Bryant Tallahassee , Florida
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l remember when l was a small lad , the " Mr . Ed Show " came on every Sunday afternoon . Children from everywhere just loved that show because it amazed them to see an animal talk . Then I started hearing people use the old cliche " Look who ' s talking ", this meant that the information came from an unlikely source . Immediately , my mind flashed back to the Book of Numbers , Chapter 23 verse 11 , where Balak shouted at Balaam " What have you done to me ? I brought you to curse my enemies , but you have done nothing but bless them !"
Balaam was approached many times with gifts by Balak who wanted him to come and use his prophetic gifts to curse the people of Israel in order that he might defeat them . However , the Lord told Balaam to say nothing against the children of Israel . Balaam in his curiosity wanted to go see Balak anyhow . Then a very heart stopping event happened when Balaam began to beat his donkey who refused to go down the road because an angel was standing at a distance with a sword drawn , the donkey talked . The donkey opened its mouth and talked and there are three lessons that Balaam learned .
Firstly , the donkey told Balaam not to forget the bridge that brought you over . The Lord had been good to Balaam but he suspected that Balaam would give in to Balak ' s wide range of material gifts . We as christians have a tendency to get comfortable as soon as the Lord blesses us . Satan will take very opportunity he can to distract us and keep us out of worship and the Word . The Apostle Paul is a prime example of what will happen in your life when you let the blind guide you . People can be encouraged and blessed if we tell them what the Lord says because there is a word from God for every situation .
Secondly , the donkey told Balaam that when you head down the road of destruction you can see signs also . If you do a lot of driving around your city , you will see signs such as " Warming ! Road under construction ". The donkey gave Balaam three warnings that he was going to be killed if he didn ' t detour . We see signs of destruction every day and the closer we get to Christ ' s return , the more we see . Now we face the issue of same sex marriage but no two men nor two women can produce a child . The Lord said be fruitful and multiply .
Finally , the donkey told Balaam that he should have realized by now that the Lord was on the children of
Israel ' s side . Many times we as christians try to work against and degrade the men of God but the Word of God says , " Touch not my anointed , and do thy prophet any harm ". We are stepping in grave danger when we try to go against the people of God . The song says " If you dig one ditch , you better dig two , because the trap you set may be for you ". If we would only appreciate the blessings that God has given us and stop being so jealous of others , there is no telling what God has in store for us in the future .
There was a story told about a man who went to heaven . As he entered the gates , he saw a pair of wings lying on the table . The man walked over and started putting on the wings and he said to himself " I think I know how to put these wings on , I don ' t need any instructions ". Suddenly , he started flying backwards and ended up in hell .
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Evelyn ' s Creations and The West Oaks Mall Invites You to Join us on our Veterans Day Celebration Thanking Veterans , and Honoring Female Veterans
Our Program
Sat . Nov . 15th - 2Pm Re-enactments
Sun . Nov . 16th - 3pm Fashion Show
Evelyn ' s Benton Creation West Oaks Mall Thank A Veteran Orlando , Florida November 2014

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For More Information , call 407-292-5551 0 r visit Evelyn ' s Creations @ The West Oaks Mall