Program Success May 2009 | Page 34

PS MAY 2009 Pages.qxd 5/4/2009 6:31 PM Page 14 PAGE 34 PROGRAM SUCCESS – MAY 2009 THE TRUTH ABOUT BREAST CANCER By Viyahta Robinson Master Herbalist Orlando, Florida Why are so many women choosing to have their breast removed after being diagnosed with Breast Cancer? This is the question I asked after viewing a cable show titled “Breast Cancer Diaries”. It is a show that chronicles different women’s journey through the medical system. Statistics reveal that almost 63,000 women had breast reconstruction after mastectomies in 2004, and current estimates show new cases of breast cancer are increasing. Awareness of this particular cancer is an important health issue. The American Cancer Society reports that breast and prostate cancer are the most frequently diagnosed type of cancers in men and women today. Additionally, African-American women have a higher incidence rate before 40 years of age and are 52% more likely to die of cancer than white women. The incidence of Cancer has exploded from around 1 in 500 in the early 1900’s; to approximately 1 in 6 today, yet the same harsh treatments are being offered with little improvement since the early 1900’s. One statistic from a Clinical Oncology organization states that the 5 year survival rate after chemotherapy is 2.1%. Comparatively, an alternative therapy named German New Medicine has a 90% survival rate with over 6,000 patients. Conventional medical organizations typically offer 3 alternatives: cut, burn and poison. Women must not be afraid to say NO to these impersonal choices. Saying “no” is the first step to Natural Healing. The media and cancer organizations continually promote the idea that cancer is the enemy; however, if one comes to totally understand the natural process of the embryo’s development from the egg to birth, you would have an awareness of the purpose behind breast cancer and every other dis-ease. This awareness can be achieved by studying German New Medicine, which gives the biological iron laws that explain why and how a person manifests dis-ease in a particular part of the body. This “New Medicine” also explains how the human body is programmed from the embryo stage to reverse any dis-ease process with the change in one’s emotional and thinking state. According to Dr. Rye Hammer, a German physician who has spent the last 30 years perfecting the natural teaching of German New Medicine (GNM), the Human Body is fully capable of dissolving tumors without the help of man’s toxic drugs. This magnificent machine, the human body, is not deficient in aspirin or drugs but is lacking the powerful nutrients from love, forgiveness and compassion. My older sister’s journey with breast cancer was a profound example of a traditional methods and the first of many personal cases that verified for me the truth of GNM. After an argument, her only daughter took off on her bike and was killed by a car, 2 years before she was diagnosis with cancer in the left breast. According to Dr. Hammer, the emotional shock of losing a child is one of the “conflicts” that causes the cells in the left breast (related to the loss of a child or mother) to multiply. Instead of finding a resolution to this emotional trauma, my sister stuffed her guilt and unforgiveness inside, choosing not to find a peaceful resolution to the shock of her daughter’s death. I observed her last days on earth spent in much pain, due mostly to the memory of her daughter’s departure. The Truth about Breast Cancer is that it is a natural process designed to awaken us and teach us a life lesson; a lesson to help us change our negative thinking and emotions. The Cancer is a response to emotions that are out of alignment with the positive thoughts of love, forgiveness and compassion. See BREAST CANCER Page 36