Program Success January 2009 | Page 15

PROGRAM SUCCESS – JANUARY 2009 PAGE 15 Are Blacks An Endangered Species? By Makeisha Lee Author, “Why Black People Can’t Lose Weight” will bring us right back to the drawing board - if we don’t find out about pre-existing and current outside elements. That’s right, in this day and age mainstream society still suppresses corruption tha t adversely affects Blacks are officially considered to be an endangered species due to obe- our lives, as a people; as a nation. sity and terrifying related illness. Diets, surgeries, pills, exercise motions and potions; though easily and readily available have done little-to-noth- 3) We may have to begin exposing to help people lose weight long-term. Even with all of these ing some that are right within our mechanisms in place, the 50 million pound question that lies before us own community that acts as is: Why is it that we as “Blacks” are STILL some of the most obese wolves in sheep’s clothing – impeding progress. It’s been said people on the planet? that the “mean green” has caused The facts are the facts! Prevalence of obesity among Blacks has stranger things to happen. Or increased 35 percent in the past 10 years alone. According to the CDC perhaps, they are not wolves at (Center for Disease Control), we lead in the highest percentages in both all; rather it’s just a bad case of sexes and even amongst children, as compared to other ethnicities when “blind leading the blind”. it comes to the contemptible “beast of burden”- obesity. So what is 4) Whatever the theory or rationREALLY going on? ale of the matter, one thing most There are in fact an infinite number of theories, but here are a few can agree on is that the obesity thought provoking ideas that many don’t want to address, but that will pandemic for Blacks is unequivocally multi-factorial. People definitely make you want to go “Hummm!” who can think for themselves can 1) Too many of us are being brainwashed; covering ourselves up with surmise that all on their own! being ignorance instead of trying to find out the real truth about why Blacks have been unsuccessful as a whole at getting/and or keeping the We all do well to open our minds, and eyes to the fact that if we don’t get proactive and put on our investigative hats - TODAY; we will be weight off. tottering upon a horrific human existence and will eventually land our2) All of these diets, various weight loss challenges and campaigns that selves on the brink of extinction. are currently underway are nothing more than band-aid remedies that National Call To Action: MAKEISHA LEE and consumer health advocates are asking everyone to join her as she sets out to change the future of health and wellness in the community by getting life-saving information out into the hands of every African American! Support this phenomenal sister by purchasing her newly published book, Why Black People Can’t Lose Weight NOW! Even if you are not African American, overweight or sick, please purchase the book anyway so that you may be able to help someone else with what you learn! Contact all your friends to encourage them to do the same. When we ALL work together - that’s when the greatest miracles happen! Don’t delay, buy it today! Important Message: This heavy concentration of purchases at this very specific time today and throughout the week will invite and encourage thousands that need this information to also get Why Black People Can’t Lose Weight, without hesitation, as it will outsell other books in the same genre! Makeisha Lee is a health and nutrition consultant. For more information about cleansing and detoxifying your body, contact her at 614-595-1425 or [email protected] or learn more at To download the African American Guide To Cleansing, visit: Buy The Book Today Available on, and