Program Success February 2015 | Page 10

The ' End Times '


By Pastor Leon R . Bing NJFWC . ORG
There was a time , not long ago , that people did not study the Book of Revelations , or did not want to study the Book of Revelations . And there was a time not long ago , and in many cases even to today that Pastors did not teach the Book of Revelations or the End Times . But we are in a season whether we want to accept it or not , that the End Times are upon us . The sad thing is who is crying out from the mountain tops into the valleys that the return of Christ is near !
The church was in such a rush a few years back to see who could build the largest buildings , and now many can ' t keep them filled because the message is no longer that Christ is corning , get your affairs in order . No the message is more of how are we going to keep these building from being foreclosed on ! My point is that there is more emphasis being placed on everything else instead of preparing for the return of the Bridegroom for His Bride .
This is very much possibly the last generation before the return of Christ . We who are in the five fold Ministry may be the last generation of preachers that this world will know ! But what will we be known for ? Who had the most buildings , the most stuff , ( cars , houses , air planes )? Are will we be remember for preaching the Word of God to a people that were so consumed by the pleasures of this world that it really took some preaching and teaching to save many from heaven because of things ? It may seem like a simple thing , but remember the first century preachers including the original 12 Apostles , had a different task than we have . While it was a battle to get the world as they knew it to come to Christ , we have just as hard a task to keep apostasy from consuming the church today .
We are telling a people today who trust in their many high paying jobs , fine automobiles , large homes , fine clothes , their jewelry , their technology , which soon it will all come to an end , that they must place their trust in Jesus . But they can believe that , so many of them if they don ' t get their ears tickled , or walking away from their churches . We are in a time where sound doctrine does not mean much to some people , so it will be incumbent for these " End Times " preachers to continue the task at hand , just as the first preachers of the church were steadfast .
There are a lot of events to take place before the Second Corning of Christ , but the rapture of the church can happen at anytime ! Therefore we must be prepared as the 5 wise virgins were and not be as the foolish 5 virgins as Jesus warned us in Matthew 25 , please read :
Matt 25:1-13
25:1 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins , which took their lamps , and went forth to meet the bridegroom .
2 And five of them were wise , and five were foolish .
3 They that were foolish took their lamps , and took no oil with them :
4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps .
5 While the bridegroom tarried , they all slumbered and slept .
6 And at midnight there was a cry made , Behold , the bridegroom cometh ; go ye out to meet him .
7 Then all those virgins arose , and trimmed their lamps .
8 And the foolish said unto the wise , Give us of your oil ; for our lamps are gone out .
9 But the wise answered , saying , Not so ; lest there be not enough for us and you : but go ye rather to them that sell , and buy for yourselves .
Pastor Leon Bing End Times Preachers Jacksonville , Florida February 2015
10 And while they went to buy , the bridegroom came ; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage : and the door was shut .
11 Afterward came also the other virgins , saying , Lord , Lord , open to us .
12 But he answered and said , Verily I say unto you , I know you not .
13 Watch therefore , for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh .
This is but one of the many passages that warns us of the return of Christ for His church , but woe to them that are left behind ! Therefore , to the preachers of this last generation , let ' s be faithful to the end ! Now is not the time to be caught up in the foolish things of the past that kept us from our assignment from the Lord , let us work while it is still day , for when night comes , no man can work ! God Bless you all , I love you !

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