Program of Studies Program of Studies 2019-2020 | Page 45

Activity Class: Weight/Power Training 0.5 credit Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students will learn how properly to improve both strength and power. Each student will develop a personalized weight and power-training regime. Activity Class: Fitness for Life 0.5 credit Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 In this fitness class students will be exposed to a variety of fitness programs in three areas: cardiovascular fitness, strength training, and flexibility. Students will also participate in some cooperative-type games, geared towards problem solving and teamwork. The goal at the end of each unit is for each student is to develop their own fitness program in these three areas that they will continue and enjoy throughout their lifetime. Current Issues in Wellness 0.5 credit Grades 10 and 11 Prerequisite: Principles of Personal Fitness This required course emphasizes decision making related to topics of stress, sexuality, drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. Students will expand their understanding and application of information learned in the Principles course, as well as explore current trends and issues in wellness in our society. WELLNESS ELECTIVES Sport Psychology 0.5 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Principles of Personal Fitness This course will address concepts related to sport and exercise psychology. Representative topics include confidence, focus, controlling distractions, the power of routines, motivation, goal setting, intensity, visualization, leadership, sportsmanship, anxiety and arousal. In addition, students will investigate current issues in sport and apply these to the area of sport psychology. Nutrition and Healthy Cooking 0.5 credit Grades 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Principles of Personal Fitness Students will learn to make healthy food selections using basic knowledge of the principles of nutrition. Students will participate in food preparation and learn to plan and serve meals using the latest dietary guidelines and recommendations. Applied Exercise Science & Sport Studies 0.5 credit Grades 10, 11 and 12 Prerequisite: Principles of Personal Fitness This course is designed for students who are interested in a career in exercise science & sport studies. Students will be able to explore each of these areas and will go more in depth with the area that they would like to continue in higher education.