Program Guide - July-Dec 2018 2018-program-guide_small | Page 55

107. Remarkable Jewish People from the ancient world to mod- ern times. This class will focus on lives and achievements of Jewish people in the variety of endeavors: religion and philosophy, science, politics, and entertainment. 115. Each night during Hanukkah, we will light the menorah, sing songs, and enjoy a delicious pre-dinner Hanukkah treat at the en- trance to The J. All are welcome! or TV show? Find out what it takes to evaluate the commercial viability of your idea. Needs Services Department was launched in 2009 and became the umbrella for all programs for individuals with special needs. The J’s program offers a year-round day program, after school respite ser- vices, a summer inclusion program, a high school summer program, and other year-round support services. Leading up to the Hanukkah holiday, indoor cyclists across the nation will be riding on the same day, cycling for a good cause and their own wellness. Reserve your bike by the hour and join our Tucson J indoor cycling instructors for this fun experience! 116. Be a part of JCC’s of North American Cycle for Good and raise 108. Do you have a great idea that might make a terrific book, movie money for the Taglit Day Program! The Taglit Day Program\Special 109. In this class series, students will learn techniques to explore strength, flexibility, and balance in their hip musculature to help re- lease their low back, realign their knee joint, and connect to one of the most powerful areas of the body. 110. Come join Jaimie Perkunas DPT, E-RYT, for an opportunity to learn how to decompress your spine. Even if you have had neck or back surgery this six week program is for you. 111. All are welcome to join together with family and friends as we mark the end of Shabbat with havdalah, a dessert buffet, and fun games for all. 112. Paint your own silk scarf using vibrant, flowing dyes! We will use water-soluble resist to draw lines that fence in color and salt to create comet-like patterns. Material fee of $20. 113. This class is a fun way to get exercise while learning the funda- mentals of swing dancing. This class is dedicated to educating begin- ning dancers in both partner and solo Charleston movements. Ages 18 and older. 114. Start the holidays off right with some exercise... and a treat at the end! Join us on Sunday, December 2nd, at The J for the very first Hanukkah Hot Chocolate 5K/1K Fun Run/Walk. This is a non-timed event that you can run or walk, starting in our sculpture garden. We encourage participants to bring the family (no pets allowed though, sorry!) Register by: 10/28 $20/15 members, 12/1 $25/20 members, Race Day $30/25 members. 117. Learn knife skills with Italian cuisine expert Chef Tom Kressler. He will show you how to make several classic soups with your new knife skills as well. 118. Celebrate the Jewish New Year and start the year off right by joining us on Sunday, September 9th, at The J for the very first Honey Run 5K/1K. This is a non-timed event that you can run or walk, starting in our sculpture garden. We encourage participants to bring the family (no pets allowed though, sorry!). Register by: 8/5 $20/15 members, 9/8 $25/20 members, Race Day $30/25 members 119. As we reflect on our history, we are reminded to treat all people justly and to speak up for those who are persecuted today. It is in this vein that The J is honored to partner with Sonoran Glass School and the Jewish History Museum & Holocaust History Center to commemo- rate the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht. On the evening of November 9, 1938, in Nazi Germany, the windows in Jewish synagogues, shops, and buildings were smashed. Buildings were destroyed, homes were raided, and synagogues were burned. This anti-Jewish pogrom (event persecuting a particular group of people) is known as Kristallnacht (Crystal Night) and is often referred to as the Night of Broken Glass. 55