Professional Bahamas Part 0ne | Page 17

Mrs. Marleen Martinborough began her nursing career in December 1989 where she begged to be deployed to Sandilands Rehabilitation Center. She told her supervisors at the time,” The mentally ill deserve a great nurse too”. It was that belief she strived to be the best nurse she can for her clients. She is a knowledgeable, enthusiastic and committed Mental Health Nurse with 25 years clinical experience working with children, adults and older persons suffering from mental health disorders. She continually strives to reduce stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness. This passion drives her to provide community lectures/ presentations to schools, churches and the media. She strongly believes that knowledge fuels change.Therefore pursued a Bachelors Degree in nursing and a Masters degree in Psychiatric Nursing/Mental Health Practitioner. She is a knowledgeable agent of change, and privileged to serve as a resource person for clients, staff, multidisciplinary team and other health professional involved in the care of mental health and children services. Her training and experience have afforded her the opportunity to assist in the provision, guidance, and direction in matters pertaining to the practice of mental health nursing in areas such as policy, program development, and strategic planning. It is her mission to make SRC an international premier mental health institution delivering high- quality evidenced-based care to every client every time. Mrs. Martinborough serves as Nursing Officer 1 on Child and Adolescent Unit where she has refined Sandilands Rehabilitation center (SRC) policies as it relates to child and adolescent mental health, developed guidelines and teaching. She is happily married and the mother of two sons.